January 2025: The lab received the Prix Avenir Ruban Rose 2024 for our research on breast cancer metastasis. We are extremely proud and honored to be supported by Ruban Rose. They are doing a fantastic job at informing, gathering and funding important projects to tackle breast cancer. more here: Prix ruban rose
July 2024: The lab attended the latest FASEB Biological meeting 2024 in Porto, Portugal. Lots of fun and great sciences within this friendly community. And what a fantastic accomplishment for the lab, who ended up the meeting with 3 prizes: Tanveer with a best poster prize (well deserved, as he was restless presenting all meeting long!), Ludivine with a travel award (while braving a cold, no luck!) and Nicolas with a best young oral presentation prize (very happy to still be considered young)! Looking forward to all the future collaborations coming from this meeting and to the next 2026 edition.
May 2024: Collaborative alert! We are proud to be part of this great work by the Weitzman lab, from S. Medjkane and A. Richard. SMYD2 implication in cytokinesis through the regulation of the CHMP proteins, more here: Methylation of ESCRT-III components regulates the timing of cytokinetic abscission
Mar 2024: We received the support from the "Societe Francaise de lutte contre les cancers de l'enfant" (SFCE) and the "Cancers Enfants Santé" (CES). Thank you for this funding and we are proud to initiate our study regarding the impact of methylation signaling in pediatric cancers.
Jan 2024: Our latest research is out! A fantastic work by A. Casanova during his PhD in the lab, finally published in the prestigious journal Cell Discovery. Another great collaboration with the Mazur lab. SMYD2 and its role in breast cancer metastasis by bringing together the world of protein methylation signaling and cytoskeleton, more here: Cytoskeleton remodeling induced by SMYD2 methyltransferase drives breast cancer metastasis. This work has been highlighted by the CNRS and UGA followed by a press release and broadcasted by mainstream media (Europe1; France 2; France 3; and others). On to the next exciting follow-up project!
Jan 2023: The lab was honored with a funding from the Gefluc, supporting our research for the second time. We are so much grateful to this association for their help!
Nov 2023: Collaborative alert! We are extremely proud to be part of this great work by the Green lab, from Dr Ikram who visited us for 6 months as part of this now very nice published work. SMYD3 in prostate cancer, more here: The SMYD3-MAP3K2 signaling axis promotes tumor aggressiveness and metastasis in prostate cancer
June 2023: The lab was honored with a prize at the 45th anniversary of the association Espoir Isere contre le cancer. Thank you once more for supporting our research!
May 2023: The lab secured a PhD fellowship!
We are happy to offer this opportunity to the best candidate (Emilie Froeliger) for this project project related to the characterization of a dynamic protein methylation signaling involved in breast cancer progression. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested!.
Feb 2023: The reynoird lab is officially created as an emerging team of the Institute for Advanced Biosciences. Thanks to all of you who contributed to this recognition!
Dec 2022: A fantastic work by the lab of Daniel Panne, including some collaborative work from the Reynoird lab, to give better insight into the regulatory mechanism of the acetyltransferase p300: Structural insights into p300 regulation and acetylation-dependent genome organisation
July 2022: We are extremely proud to have our work published in the journal Cancer Discovery! It is already online and can be found here: SMYD3 impedes small cell lung cancer sensitivity to alkylation damage through RNF113A methylation-phosphorylation crosstalk
A great study resulting from the effort of Gael Roth and Valentina Lukinovic and the collaboration with the N. Mosammaparast and the P. Mazur labs, in which we demonstrate SMYD3 impacts on SCLC tolerance to alkylating chemotherapy. The final edited version is now online and the print issue version is out on September 2nd 2022.
Our lab is co-organizing an exciting meeting with the Weitzman lab on the 27th & 28th of October 2022 in Paris. Mark your agenda!
It will be dedicated to protein methylation signaling functions broader than histone and chromatin regulation. We are delighted to have fantastic keynote speakers such as Or Gozani (Stanford University), Cheryl Arrowsmith (Toronto University), Yang Shi (Oxford University), Clare Davies (Birmingham University), Pal Falnes (Oslo University), and many others!
Registration is free but compulsory (for organization purpose). There will be several short talks for invited speakers and 2 poster sessions, so don't hesitate to submit an abstract.
More information on the website : Methylation signaling Symposium
June 2022: The lab was represented by Alexandre Casanova (Poster) and Nicolas Reynoird (Talk + Poster) at the fantastic FASEB meeting 2022 FASEB biological methylation conference , in Sicily. Great talks and discussions, it was amazing to meet altogether in person again.
November 25th 2021: Alexandre Casanova successfully defended his thesis and is now officially a Doctor. Congratulation to him and his fantastic journey in the lab. We are happy to keep Alexandre for few extra months before he starts a new chapter of his promising career. He's joining the great Kouzarides lab, at Cambridge University. Good luck wor your next adventure Alex, we'll miss you for sure...
November 19th 2021: Alexandre has been nominated for the Fondation ARC Starck prize for the second year in a row, and this time, Alexandre won the most prestigious prize of the Fondation with the "Prix Hélène Starck Oral - Prix du Jury 2021"". Congratulation to him, well-deserved and what a way to finish his PhD!
October 2021: publication of a new collaborative article with the Mosammaparast Lab in Mol Cell!
A great work identifying RNA methylation as a trigger for DNA alkylation repair induced by alkylating damages, featuring Valentina, Tanveer and Alexandre: Aberrant RNA methylation triggers recruitment of an alkylation repair complex
May 2021: The lab secured a PhD fellowship!
We are extremely happy to be able to follow up on Ludivine's project with a PhD fellowship for her, starting Falls 2021.
March 2021: Dr Reynoird succesfully passed the HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches)!
This final academic exam in France allows for scientist to supervise PhD students and to present PhD candidate to doctoral school exam. This is an important step towards the future emergence of the group! The HDR was entitled "Lysine methylation-based cell signaling in cancer" and jury members were:
- Dr Marc Billaud, CRCL, Lyon
- Prof. Edith Heard, EMBL, Heidleberg
- Dr Saadi Khochbin, IAB, Grenoble
- Dr Muriel Le Romancer-Cherifi, CRCL, Lyon
- Prof. Claire Vourc’h, IAB, Grenoble
- Prof. Jonathan Weitzman, Paris Diderot University
On November 2020, Alexandre was nominated for the prestigious Starck prize from the Fondation ARC (Cancer Research Association) and presented his PhD work in a virtual conference.
On July 2020, Valentina Lukinovic left our lab for some new adventures in Canada, joining the lab of K. Biggar at Carleton University. Best wishes and thanks for your times with us.
On July 2020, Gael brilliantly defended his PhD in front of a jury composed of E. Julien, M. Le Romancer, S. Medjkane and D. Moro-Sibilot. Congratulations Doctor!
From January to June 2020, we had the great pleasure to host a visiting PhD student from USA, Sabeen Ikram. She's now back to Baltimore in E. Green lab, and we wish her a great and successful end of PhD.
On February 2020, Alexandre won the best poster prize from CLARA canceropole at the 21st Epigenetic meeting! Alexandre (burgundy shirt) received the prize from a prestigious jury composed of G. Almouzni, B. De Massi, R. Pillai, K. Sanbonmatsu and P. Hainaut (president of canceropole). Congrats!!!